11th Hour puzzle hints and solutions Like an idiot, I bought this game before there were any solution books or UHS files (which are marvelous, by the way and I highly recommend them for other games. Search the software library under the word UHS for the reader and game files). So in my stupidity I blundered on, and here are the solutions to the puzzles we've been able to solve. Some of these are solutions, some are hints which will save your guide's power by avoiding the help system, and some I haven't solved yet. The foyer puzzle (knights), music room puzzle (furniture), and the game room puzzle (pool balls) aren't in here, much as I wish they were. If you have any questions, suggestions, or better yet, solutions to the puzzles not listed here, please contact me at TShandyEsq@aol.com. I'll revise this file and give credit where it's due. And finally, the notice due to Virgin Games/Trilobyte for 11th hour and 7th Guest . 11th Hour plays best when you follow the hints Stauf gives you. This will send you plundering through the house, looking for the active easter egg (object to click on without getting sneered at by Stauf) which will give you another video segment or a hint to help you find the next puzzle. After you solve (or have the computer solve) a puzzle, look at all of the objects in the room which turn the skeletal hand cursor into an eyeball (the easter eggs). You'll need to remember what and where they are. We haven't listed all of the active easter eggs or the clues to decipher them because this file would be too large to download if we did. At the end of this file though, we give you the location of the nursery and one active easter egg that drove us nuts finding, as well as the clue to another hint that gave us grief. Library Solution Book Puzzle: You need to move the red books to one side and the green books to the other. You can only move pairs at a time, and all of the books must be over the appropriate label on the shelf. You begin like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r g r g r g r g - - Move the pairs in this order: 2&3, 5&6, 8&9, 1&2. Include the blank spaces when you count! B. Dutton's Room Solution Cash register puzzle: Divide the keys into equal segments that total 81 cents each. Divide them like so: 5 5 1 25 5 5 10 10 5 25 10 25 10 10 1 10 Gallery Solution Modern Art puzzle: You play against Stauf. You must make the last move to color in the pieces of the painting. 1. Click on the dark brown vertical rectangle. 2. Click on the light brown vertical rectangle on far right. 3. Click on dark horizontal rectangle in 2nd row from top. You might have to do this several times before the right sequence is played. Bathroom Solution Spider puzzle: Move the brown and white spiders over the correct color eggs in 7 moves. The points of the star are numbered as follows: 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 love 6 -> 1 8 -> 3 -> 6 2 -> 5 -> 8 -> 3 4 -> 7 -> 2 -> 5 -> 8 1 -> 4 -> 7 -> 2 6 -> 1 -> 4 Ed Knox's Room Hints Mirror puzzle: This is similar to the grate puzzle in 7th guest but with more pieces and a complicated picture. Pay close attention to the picture of the mirror before you start the puzzle, and then rotate the pieces to their correct position. Be careful, because a portion of the mirror is missing in the puzzle. Chapel Hints Centaur puzzle: You must create a line touching each side of the triangle before Stauf does. Surround Stauf's first move in a 'C' shape, then work the shortest route from your 'C' to the sides of the triangle. Lab Hints Maze puzzle: Playing against Stauf, you must be the first to create a path to the orange hole for the mouse. You must play the puzzle piece that pops out of the slot; if you can't use it to build your path use it to block Stauf by messing up his path. Placing the piece on one of the right hand square replaces that square's piece (which comes out the slot for Stauf to place on his next move) and shifts the other pieces to the left. Placing it on one of the left hand squares replaces the piece and shifts the others to the right. Placing it on one of the top squares replaces that piece and shifts the rest down; placing it at the bottom replaces that piece and shifts the others up. pink hole left __ __ __ __ __ \ \ \ \ top bottom \ \ \ \ orange hole \__ __ __ __ __ \ right Kitchen Solution Plates puzzle: put a stack of 2 plates on each point of the star. The positions on the pentagram are numbered like so: 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 Move 8 -> 5 10 -> 3 2 -> 7 6 -> 9 4 ->1 J. Heine's Room Solution Pin puzzle: Make the inner facets of the pin have adjacent colors matching. You can move the whole gemstone by clicking on the 'pearl' in the middle, or rotate the facets by clicking on them. The gemstones are numbered like so: 1 6 2 5 3 4 Swap 2 & 5 5 & 1 5 & 6 4 & 5 3 & 5 Then rotate each gem to have the following colors in the inside: 1 Green 6 2 Orange Red 5 3 Orange Purple 4 Orange Martine's Room Solution Pyramid puzzle: You must make two 15-letter words out of the letters, without blocking your path from one letter to the other. The two words are: UNINTENTIONALLY STRAIGHTFORWARD Temple's Room Solution Dice puzzle: This is similar to the dollhouse puzzle from 7th Guest. You must make a path from the red square to the white one, and you define the direction for each number's move. Click on the 4 to the right of the start; then the 1 to the right of the 4, the 3 diagonally left to the 1, the 1 diagonal to the 3, the 4 on the top of the cube, then the 2 on the right face diagonally beneath the 6. Attic Solution Train puzzle: Rearrange the letters to spell STAUF. This one will take awhile, so grab a cup of coffee, something to eat, and make sure your chair is comfortable. ____________________F_________AUST__________ + + \ / \ / \ ___________________________/ Click on the left rail switcher, then on the green control button to bring the engine to the left of the track. Click on the red control button to send the engine back to pick up the F. Click on the green control button to send the engine and F to the left. Click on the left switcher again, then on the red control button to send the engine through the loop. Click on the green control button to leave the F in the loop. Click on the left rail switcher, then go back and pick up the A; take it to the loop. Do the same for the rest of the letters. All letters should be in the loop. Click on the right switcher to keep the letters from going all of the way back,then move all of the letters except for the F onto the middle of the track. Back up into the loop to the F, click on the right rail switcher, and back the F all the way to the right. Use this method to move the rest of the letters into proper position. Room at the Top Hints Beehive puzzle: Sorry, no solution for this one, only hints. The beehive puzzle plays like the microscope puzzle in 7th Guest. You can expand into adjacent cells of the comb, or jump a max of two cells, converting any blood filled cells to honey-filled ones if you move next to Stauf's. The best way to do this is to take control of one side, filling it two rows deep, then expand to an adjacent side, filling it two deep. From there, work to the middle, filling in as you go. Be very careful leaving 'C' shapes; it's an easy way to lose 6 or more cells to Stauf. Doll Room Solution Bishop's puzzle: Mercifully, this one isn't as hard as the bishop's puzzle in 7th Guest! Put the white bishops on the white tinkertoy pieces, and the black ones on the black pieces without moving a bishop into jeopardy. There may be other solutions to this puzzle, but I know this one works. I've gridded the tinkertoys this way, with the O's representing tinkertoy pieces: A B C D E 1 O O 2 O O O 3 O O 4 O O O Moves: A4 -> B3 E2 -> D3 B3 -> D1 A2 -> B3 D3 -> B1 D1 -> E2 B3 -> D1 E2 -> C4 D1 ->E2 E4 -> C2 C2 -> A4 B1 -> C2 C2 -> E4 C4 -> A2 A4 -> C2 E2 -> C4 C2 -> D1 E4 -> C2 C2 -> A4 C4 -> D3 A2 -> B1 D3 -> E4 D1 -> B3 B1 -> D3 D3 -> E2 B3 -> A1 Dining Room Hints Trilobyte puzzle: You're playing against Stauf, trying to align 4 bon bons in a row either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. This is one game where the Help system can't really help you; every time I've tried using it to make the moves I've lost. We had the best luck by beginning on one side, filling the bottom row, and working upward to win diagonally. It also seems that Stauf willblock you vertically or horizontally first, so if you can manage a 'V' shape you've got him beat. Doll House Hints Bean puzzle: You need to be the first to line up 5 beans in a row or capture 5 pairs of Stauf's beans to win. If you move first, start on one of the edges, lining up at least 3 beans (4 works best), and working outward in a 'V' shape from the bottom. This gave me the best chances of beating him. Also, Stauf will capture a pair of your beans if he can, and you can use this against him to restore your line because he can't recapture those beans. Easter eggs, nursery, and all of that fun stuff Don't 'grab' all of the easter eggs, you'll use up too much of your help. Just look at them and remember where they are for later. The white castle and the rattle were hardest to find. The white castle is a white rook on a chessboard in the attic; you'll find it once you solve the train puzzle, to the left of the dressmaker's form. The rattle is in the nursery. After you solve the bishop's puzzle in the Doll Room, turn left; the skeletal hand should let you walk forward when placed on the floor just above the baseboard. And to solve the two cryptographic hints in numbers, use the letters on the telephone corresponding to the numbers.